Terms Of Use

Terms of Service


Q1T Ltd. Terms of Service. As stated in Section 12.4, this TOS might occasionally be revised. To establish your compliance with these terms, we encourage you to read these terms often. They are obtainable at www.qone-tech.com/terms-of-use. If you have a cogent license agreement with Q1T Ltd., those agreements prevail over these particular Terms.


1. Acceptance of Term


Before making use of the Website (www. qone-tech .com) or the services or products offered by Q1T Ltd., we employ you to read these Terms (“Terms of Service”) very carefully. These Terms become effective the moment you check the box that encloses this TOS or click on the button, (“I Accept”) or, whenever you make use of any of the Website or Services. You depict to us that you have legal ability to make contracts (i.e. you are not a minor). In case you are accepting these Terms on behalf of an entity, like the entity of your working place, you depict to us that there exist a legal authority binding the entity.


2. Details about Q1T Ltd. Service


2.1 Q1T Ltd. offers a diversity of Services, comprising of an access to proprietary computer program software facilitates by us that automate and developed the process of executing polls, surveys, intercepts, assessments, and other cognate systems, support, updates, and security services via the internet and a web browser.
2.2 For the reason of these Terms, “YOU” connotes that you or any other person using the service via any means on your behalf and the entity you stand for.
2.3 For the reason of these Terms, the data here entails all the reports, survey responses, and all other data generated or input regarding the Services on your behalf.
2.4 Liable to your agreement with these Terms and payment of any appropriate fees, we grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free authorization to utilize the Services for your personal internal business reason.
2.5 Q1T Ltd. might modify the Services at any point in time in its sole preference as it considers relevant.


3. Your Data


3.1 You have all the right, interest and title in all the Data input into the Service to include the survey feel and look, survey responses, and respondent information. Also, all downloads and reports gotten from your Data belong to you. All these Data are regard as sensitive Information (as explained below) and will not be employ by Q1T Ltd. for any other reason than to execute its duty according to these Terms.
3.2 We do not disclose or sell specific details regarding our customers or their information, unless as a necessary pursuant to a court order, law or regulation. We maintain user’s database for information that is meant for only internal reason like technical support and informing users about enhancements or changes to the Services.


4. How to Use the Services


4.1 The Services are made to be utilized by you making use of an Internet connection, operating system and a modern web browser,
4.2 You are accountable for access control of your account, such as using a secure password, protecting the password, and safeguarding it against illicit account users or usage.
4.3 You are in control of backup’s creation of your Data.
4.4 If you use the Services to send an email to third parties, you are expected to make sure that such third parties opted in to, and if not consented to validly, getting communications from you.


5. Unacceptable Usage


5.1 You are wholly in charge of all Data, and responsible for your Data and the way with which you receive or give out your Data to the third parties. Your data is not being monitored; though, we have the right to delete Data that we see to violate these Terms of our Service.
5.2 Your account may be suspended at any point in time with no notification for any conduct that seems to violate these Terms. Also, you may be liable to legal prosecution or liability if you do not comply with these Terms.
5.3 Below are a non-meticulous content list and the Services use that violates these Terms and are intolerable:


  1. Making use of the Services that does not conform to applicable law;
  2. Tamper or reverse engineer with the service security;
  3. Allow service to be used by third parties or Services resell with no prior written agreement from us;
  4. Make unapproved copies of our Services content;
  5. for cogent and lawful research reasons, uploading of Data that entails nudity links, adult content, sex, foul language, profanity, or pornography;
  6. send, store or upload vindictive Data or software that links, condones, contains or promotes hacks, warez, cracks their connected utilities, or every other piracy information, either for educational reasons or not;
  7. Uploading of Data that breach any, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets patents or other intellectual assets;
  8. Uploading of Data that is totally offensive or racist, comprising of content that harasses, defames, threatens, abuses or aggravates others;
  9. Displaying or Uploading of Data that exploits children images which are below 18 years old;
  10. Uploading of executable code or binary files;
  11. Execute penetration tests, network scans, vulnerability tests, or any other technique tests on our Services or software.


5.4 You must abide by all appropriate laws as well as the laws that govern spam. The spams entail with no restraint of unrequested bulk e-mail or all other messages, solicitations, advertising, or promotions. You comply not to share the email with whichever person who has opted out or if not objected to getting messages from other senders whom you may be acting for or from you. In clear text, you consent not to forward spam.
5.5 If there is a need for you to abide by some specified regulations while using the service, you are wholly liable for such compliance, except we otherwise concur. You might not use our Services in such way that would make us subjected us to those specified regulations without our earlier written endorsement.
5.6 Academic Users: If you have an academic grant, your utilization of the Services is limited to research or academic reasons by your specified department institution. Services might be utilized only by your institution’s faculty, students or staff. Using the service for commercial purpose is illicit and entails, without restriction, the utilization of the Services on behalf of all other entities or institutions for recompense.


6. Q1T Ltd. Software


6.1 We have all the interest, title and right to and in the Services, as conveyed, all related technology and software, and every of our provided content regarding Services entailing all rights of intellectual property in the preceding. Not a thing entailed on this Website is permitted to be regarded as granting any right or license to utilize any trademark with no previous written endorsement from us.
6.2 We and the service licensors solely own all interest, title, and the right to and in the Services, and any ideas, Services-associated suggestions, requests, enhancements, recommendations, and feedback given by you during the course of your utilization of the Services.
6.3 We own the right to entail generated traffic by all our hosted websites in our general account of unique users, page views and all other measures of usage. This comprises of the provision of web traffic companies measurement with all our hosted URLs for utilization in our projection of our general traffic.


7. Confidential Information


The “Confidential Information” comprise of service orders, statements of work, these Terms, and all other endorsements we both make, marketing and business strategies and plans, technology information and non-public business, Data, trade secrets, any written content marked as sensitive and any other data, comprising of oral and visual information, which sensibly should be known to be sensitive. Every one of you and us will utilize commercially sensible efforts, comprising industry practices and appropriate technology to make sure the integrity, security, and confidentiality of all sensitive Information. We sustain a detailed privacy policy at www.qone-tech.com/privacy-policy. The above-stated confidentiality responsibility do not bind to data which you or us, as a legatee of such data from other party, can prove and document: (i) known to it before the receipt or was lawfully in its possession of such data; (ii) has become general knowledge via no fault of the legatee; (iii) is gotten by the recipient lawfully from a third party without breaching any of the confidentiality responsibility; (iv) is autonomously developed by the recipient employees who do not have access to such an information; or (v) is needed to be a divulged pursuant to a court order, law or regulation (though only to the minimal extent needed to abide by such order or regulation, and if allowed by appropriate law, giving the recipient a prior notice).


8. Indemnification


You concur to hold us harmless and indemnify against all and any expenses and claims to the extent permitted by law, encompassing sensible attorneys’ fees, resulting from the Services use. This indemnification explicitly entails your obligation for all and any accountability arising from the infringement or violation of trademarks, copyrights, and other proprietary rights also from the utilization of any unlawful or libelous material entailed in your Data.


9. Termination


Q1T Ltd. did not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, correctness, of any information on these databases, web pages, surveys, or results, and are not liable for a) any mistake or omissions resulting from the use of such information; 2) any disappointments, interruptions or delays in the delivery of any content or services contained on our servers; or 3) damages or injuries arising from the use of the services or content delivered by Q1T Ltd..


10. Limitations of Warranties


We have no exemplification, guaranty, or warranty as to the dependability, correctness, or comprehensiveness of the website, services or software. We make no representation or certification that: (a) the usage of the services shall be well-timed, continuous, or error-free, or run in collaboration with any other system, software, data, hardware (b) the services will conform to your expectations or requirements (c) all non-conformances can be or will be rectified. All services delivered by us here are sternly on an “as is” standard. Except for the level forbidden by law, we specifically deny all, conditions, representations or warranties, either statutory, express or implied, but not limited to, implied guarantees of fitness for a specific purpose, non-violation, and merchantability. We make no conditions, warranties, representations or reference to any third party content implied or express.


11. Limitation of liability


We deny any accountability for damages caused by the contents of this website or our services unless due to exclusively our wrongdoing. Our collective responsibility for any damage or claim emanating from or related to the website or services is restricted to your direct damages and will not surpass the fees you paid within a year period instantaneously before the event that gives rise to such claim. On no occasion shall we be accountable for profit loss, data lost, business interruptions, or any exceptional, consequential, incidental damages emanating from the use of or failure to use this service or the website irrespective of either we have notification of the probable for such damage or loss.


12. Other Terms


12.1All-inclusive Agreement: These Terms and any other relevant conditions, terms, policies or contracts establish the whole understanding and agreement between you and us. If there is a conflict or contradiction between the provisions of this Agreement and any other term, the applicable section of the term shall prevail in the following order: 1) Q1T Ltd.  Master terms and condition or other valid lawful agreement between you and us, 2) order of service or declaration of work, and 3) these Agreements.
12.2. Assignment: You are not allowed to transfer the Services to other parties or third parties without written authorization from us.
12.3 Choice of Forum and Law: This Agreement will be administered by the laws of the United States of America and the United State of Utah without reference to conflicts of law’s requirements thereof, and respect to the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods or the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA). The venue and jurisdiction for actions associated with the subject matter thereof shall be the United States and state of Utah federal courts situated in Salt Lake City, Utah, and both parties permanently consent to the private jurisdiction of such courts and surrender all complaints to it.
12.4 Modifications of this consensus: Modification of these Terms may be done at any point in time by updating a modify version on this site (www.qone-tech.com/terms of service) or forwarding a message to the email connected with your account. The revised terms will take effect once we inform you by email, or upon posting. By continuous use of the Services subsequently after any revision to this Agreement effective date, you concur to be bound by the revised terms. It becomes your duty to keep checking this website frequently for any adjustment made to these Terms. We revised the Terms last on the date stated at the conclusion of these Terms.
12.5 Severability: In the case that some or any of these provisions is held illegal, unenforceable, or invalid the provisions will be revised, if viable, to the minimal extent required to make them enforceable and valid, and if the provisions cannot be revised, then severed, and the provisions remaining entailed in the Terms will not be impaired or affected in any way.
12.6 Waiver: Any failure to impose strict performance of any provision of these Terms by us does not amount to a waiver of any right to eventually impose such provision.
12.7 Third Party Recipient: These Terms has no rights for any third party recipient.
12.8 Export Regulations: You need to abide by all re-export and export regulations and restrictions of the Department of Commerce and all other authorities and agencies in the United States that might apply to the Services.
12.9 Disputes: We and you need to concur that any proceedings dispute resolution will be carried out only based on individual and not a representative, consolidated or class action. You and we each renounce all jury trial right.Q1T Ltd.